Sunday, January 9, 2011

Late church!

This morning I went to church and let me tell you it was an awesome inspiring service.  I wanted to post a link to the podcast so you can listen to it for yourself, however its not up yet. I go to late church which is located on Abercorn downtown at the Lucas theatre.

If you havent checked it out and you are in the area you definitely should! The music is awesome and the worship service is amazing! This might sound bad, but Ive always had a problem focusing during sermons. I love how easy it is there just to understand and really appreciate the message being told. heres a link to the website..   <<link to podcast where you can listen to the worship services online! (the guy who preached today was named Kenny Grant so lookout for that one when its posted, but David Allgire is normally the pastor and is absolutely GREAT!)

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