
Saturday, December 15, 2012

DIY pocket sweatshirts

So my new obsession is pocket sweatshirts. I have to give somewhat credit to my sister. My sister a while back showed me this on pinterest and was like we could make these. Unfortunely since we live 9hrs away from each other we were not able to make them together, but one day we will. Anyways you can get a Hanes sweatshirt from Walmart for 6$ and turn it into a fun hipster sweatshirt!. I have been making these non stop. They are perfect for a xmas gifts and you can even make some holiday inspired ones. I have very little sewing experience and was able to do this project no problem.!!

Fabric -fat quarters are great! Tribal fabric obtained from Sweetlamas Etsy
sewing machine
pocket template (I used this one and then copied to word resized it to a little more the 4 1/2 inches wide by 5 inches tall)
card stock ( for pocket template easier than paper for cutting the fabric)
Hanes sweatshirt (walmart)

If your a visual person like me and like youtube videos here is a perfect simple tutorial!
I used this DIY POCKET VIDEO as a starting point. This video is for making pocket tees but same concept implies to sweatshirt.

Steps! 1. Make your pocket template. Like I said above I used this pocket template and then copied to word resized it to a little more the 4 1/2 inches wide by 5 inches tall. This a guide you can make your pocket however big or small you like. Rememeber from video you will fold over part of fabric to keep it from fraying. I printed the image and then traced it to my cardstock, which I then cut. If you dont have cardstock the paper will work, but the cardstock is heavier and will last longer for future projects. 2. Pick your fabric and then use cardstock template and cut out pocket shape from fabric. 3. Fold crease in the top half of your pocket, iron it down and then sew a straight stitch (in the video it says no backstitch needed for this but I did it anyways). Make sure the side you fold and iron down is the backside of the fabric. 4. Then fold the reminder of the sides of the pocket to keep from fraying, iron down and then stitch (I used back stitch for this as well)
Back side                                                                                          Front side
5. Put on your sweatshirt and pin the pocket to the area you want your pocket. Like so.. be careful not to poke yourself especially when taking it off.
6. Iron pocket in place and then sew pocket in place. I usually start on the left side first and slowly sew using a straight stitch backstitch at the beginning and end!!  Don't sew the top line of the pocket.
Heres all the lovely sweatshirts!! I will be making more!


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